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Armadillos love books. They love the smell, the feel of the paper in their paws. They are fast readers and they have excellent pronunciation. They are not, however, good readers, they are surprisingly easily offended. Even the littlest thing will set them off. It Is quite common for one armadillo to faint because of something they read only to have other armadillos faint because of a faithful retelling while trying to revive them. It can go on like this indefinitely, or until someone suggests tea.
Oil on canvas, 12"x12" original
Oil on canvas, 12 x 12
Bear loved Goat. Goat used to love Bear but he got distracted. Goats were easily distracted, everyone knew that. Bear missed everything about Goat. She missed their dumb jokes, their word sandwiches. Bear thought she would die if she never heard another word sandwich from Goat. Singing helped, she supposed. Was it possible to sing a song so beautiful it could make a goat remember? Probably not, anyway she would be ok. These things just take time.
Alice was having a good day. No, Alice was having a great day. Sheep are natural born story-tellers. Sheep could walk all day telling stories. Someone would be picked to start, then everyone would get to add to it in turn until it was done and they would commit it to memory. Today, they picked Alice to start, which was an honor. Not only that, but everyone loved her premise and brought out some of their best ideas to add to it. It was about a butterfly and a sea dragon that opened a store together. When Jake suggested it be a shoe store, they about fell apart they laughed so hard. Yes, Alice was having a great day.
oil on canvas 4" x4"
If Sam was late to practice one more time, Frank was going to fire him. You don't become the number one back-up band in the tri-county area by being unprofessional. He would just have to take him aside and tell him it was unacceptable. No one could say Sam had not been warned, Surely even Gracie could see the at and not be mad. Frank was just trying to keep them together, keep them working. It was a hard job to do and he never complained.
Sam was late to practice, again. Gracie and Frank had to start without him, again. Sam came in and immediately joined the singing in perfect harmony. His silken tones soothed Frank's anger and Frank forgave him, again. Plus he brought beer.
Mountain goats never invite anyone to their birthday parties. You would think that would make them sad affairs, but you would be wrong. There is no one happier than a mountain goat standing alone in a birthday hat. Also, there is almost always cake left.
Olly had wanted a pet ferret since he was a kid. It really wasn't something you could talk about, so he didn't. He thought about it though. How you would go about acquiring a ferret. Did you just talk a ferret into living with you and letting you do all the grocery shopping, could it really be as easy as that?
Murray was a vulture of many opinions. Hanging out with Murray you almost always learned something, although it was almost never something you wanted to.
3"x3" Oil on Canvas
Lucinda oil on canvas 3"x3" sold
If Lucinda had to listen to Olly's story one more time, she would probably die. He was a nice guy and she was glad they were friends, but boy could he repeat himself. He had no problem telling you a story he had told one thousand times before. Even interruptions could not save you, he would pick right back up where he had left off after the interruption. Even if it was hours later, even if it was the next day. It was enough to drive an ordinary vulture insane.