Squirrel Monkies Make the Best Therapists original oil painting
Squirrel Monkies Make the Best Therapists original oil painting
Original Oil Painting 20 inches high 10 inches wide
Squirrel monkeys have the worst sense of direction, it was common knowledge in the jungle. Case in point, they had been walking for hours and should not even be in the jungle at all anymore, but here they very much were. If a squirrel monkey asks for a lift the smart thing to do was to check who gave him the directions. Patricia did not care one iota that they were most probably lost as squirrel monkeys are also the best conversationalists known to, well, anyone. They were like tiny fuzzy therapists and they only got paid in sore feet. Patricia hadn’t even gotten to talking about her mother yet so she hoped they didn’t find their way for at least another hour.