Inky's Escape


Inky's Escape


Original, oil on canvas 20” x 10”

Inky was getting everything he wanted from this escape and so much more. All that planning, he could never have foreseen how easy it was to steal a boat. Not that he needed a boat, but still who doesn’t want a boat? Captain Inky, that is what they will call him and it sounds fantastic. Now some goldfish had offered to lead him, that was another stroke of luck. Goldfish always know where they are going, that was just a fact. He wondered what their story was, they certainly did not have to help him. Was this just what freedom did to you? Everyone was so happy they just went around helping everyone else? So far freedom was his favorite thing ever. He was going to learn to be happy and content and he would be nice to everyone. He would start by not eating the goldfish. For as long as he could anyway.

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